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I’d certainly like to encourage more people to join the LinkedIn group but also to hear of any other networks that others have created that I’ve not yet heard of. There are many different (and really quite distinct) kinds of charity science communication and I tried to put a list together for the LinkedIn group, reproduced below. MED project are running we’ve been asked to put together a single slide to tell delegates who we are and what we do. Given the somewhat “fatal” flaw (that Twitter can’t tell you’re you if you’re logged out) I think Twitter made the right decision to make it clear, as they’ve since done, that everyone can still see everyone else’s account. Anyhow, this word search printable includes many of the key words associated with the extraordinary story of Joseph, and they provide a tool which can be used to tell the story to those participating in this word puzzle.

Continue to page 2 to learn about Simply Hired, Dice, Career Builder, and more excellent job search engines. Career job opportunities can be found at the bottom of the page under the About Cisco links. Programmers are found in virtually all parts of the whole world that perform exactly the job of building condos. The questions are designed to uncover as much past behavior in comparable situations. Not much. Their tweets won’t arrive in your timeline or mentions tab – you won’t hear from them. Not much. Your tweets won’t show up in their timeline or mentions, they won’t hear from you unless they go looking (they can click ‘view tweets’ on desktop Twitter or log out to view your tweets etc). Blocking someone does stop their tweets from appearing in your timeline / mentions (though you can still go looking for those tweets). Twitter previously set things up with blocking so that if you tried to view the account of someone who’d blocked you you couldn’t.

Anyone can see your tweets, unless your account is locked and all your followers are trustworthy and haven’t had their passwords pinched. People quickly worked out that all you had to do was search for tweets from (or to) them or use a different browser (or account) to view their profile, so it was clear that blocking didn’t mean very much. If you are battling with mlm, make use of the web. But there are other studies that can be very insightful and help us understand how better to do our job. There is a connection between growth and inflation. Twitter’s done this before (hidden the pointers that used to go to links), most notably with RSS – there used to be a small RSS icon at the bottom of most pages but that disappeared earlier this year. Then amount can not go that much, after one year of default it stopped increasing, this the law. I am now convinced that 2011 is the year that social media went a bit crap.

Alas, with NEW NEW TWITTER now rolled out for most people (everyone?) these links no longer work and resolve to the Twitter / Interactions page. The purpose of blocking, as Twitter sees it, is to prevent someone from contacting you via Twitter. 1. What happens if you block someone on Twitter? As always you get a bit more if you authorise it and log in via Twitter. Different roles and teams communicate science / research / health information in different ways and I can’t help thinking it should be possible to clarify this a bit more than I have done. 2004 and I’d recently started working as a Science Information Officer in the charity sector. I also highly recommend Favstar as a tool for seeing all sorts of information about your tweets and those of others in terms of what’s been retweeted and favourited. Don’t get me started on the changes to their terms and conditions which made the easy exporting of tweets a distant memory.

For the first time it seems that third party apps are also partly affected, but not to the same extent and your tweets will likely still show up in search. Chilling Effects is a site where people can upload their DMCA notices – the site is collecting and commenting on them (not all are unreasonable). They also have an online DMCA counter claim if you believe your material has been removed in error. Dumbledore expressing the opinion that Twitter’s new look is like people who have facial surgery in the hopes of looking better but end up looking worse is about right. Twitter’s released another update that makes it much harder to see tweets of people that have blocked you and for people you’ve blocked to see your tweets. Smaller charities will rely on a few people to do more than one role whereas larger charities will divide this up into different teams or departments. Medical research charities and patient groups employ several different types of science communicators (although they might not necessarily use that term in the job title). Amy Baker’s list is so good that I will now also use her wonderful list in my efforts to help friends in this situation.